


N.G. Basov with co-workers
On the left. Krokhin and E.G. Gamali (standing),
Right V.B. Rozanov
and Yu.V. Afanasyev (standing)


Conference scope





1-st Announcement (PDF)

The school program (PDF)

A sample of abstracts (RTF)






Dear colleagues!

We invite you to participate in the VII International Youth Scientific School-Conference "Modern Problems of Physics and Technology", which will be held from 16 to 21 April 2018 at the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI in Moscow.


Competition of school project works.

This year for the first time in the framework of the School-Conference the Competition of school project works for pupils of 10-11 classes will be held.

Competition day for schoolchildren is scheduled for April 19, beginning at 13:30.

We are waiting for everyone who wants to participate in this event and in the work of the school-conference!


The goal of the School-Conference:

Attraction of young scientists, PhD students and students to discuss actual scientific problems of modern basic and applied physics, nuclear and physical technologies, professional development of future researchers, and attraction of young personnel to science and education.

The program of the School-Conference envisages:

·          Lectures of leading foreign and Russian scientists on hot topics of research

·          Oral reports and posters of young scientists

·          Competition of the reports of young scientists, PhD students and students. The selected papers will be recommended for publication in Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute and IOP: Conference Series journals (both are included into Web of Science и Scopus data bases)

·          Publication of the materials of School-Conference

·          Participation of students and young scientists as the School listeners without report

·          Visiting the laboratories and research centers of  MEPhI, LPI and GPI of RAS.

Subject sections:

·        Nuclear physics and technologies, particle physics, astrophysics and cosmophysicsN.S.Barbashina, Chairman

·        Laser physics, solid state physics, optics and plasma physics – A.P.Kuznetsov, Chairman

·        IT technologies, intelligent systems, cybersecurityS.Yu.Misyurin, Chairman

·        Engineering physics technologies for biomedicine – V.Yu.Timoshenko, Chairman

·        Electronics, automatics, spintronics, nanotechnologies – N.I. Kargin, Chairman

·        Reports in English on all subjects of the School – Yu.A.Aleshchenko, Chairman


Requirements for the preparation of abstracts


1)    A sample of abstracts is here.

For the report in English the abstracts are presented in English.

File with abstracts of the report,
please send to:


2)    Design of the poster:
Paper size A1, orientation is vertical.






Address of the Organizing Committee 

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI,
N.G. Basov Higher School of Physics,
31 Kashirskoe shosse, 115409 Moscow



Phone/fax: (499) 725-24-06